This Sheep Hanging Mobile is a beloved design created by Christina Parrett and Ole Flensted for MoMA in 1988. This delightful mobile brings a sense of whimsy and charm to any space, capturing the essence of a playful flock in mid-air. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, each sheep is cut from serigraphic foil and delicately suspended from a sturdy metal frame. As a breeze blows by, the sheep gracefully dance and twirl, creating a mesmerizing display of movement. Hang this endearing mobile in a nursery, living room, or any room in need of a touch of delight. A timeless classic that continues to capture hearts, the Sheep Hanging Mobile is a true testament to the power of design and its ability to evoke joy and wonder. To clean, gently wipe with a damp or dry cloth. The Sheep Hanging Mobile measures 16h x 17" when displayed.
Christina Parrett & Ole Flensted for MoMA
16h x 17”w
Serigraphic Foil
Year of Design
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